Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Logo Design Outline

Following graduation, I would like to establish a public relations firm that specializes in personal Public Relations and the promotion of people. This could refer to athletes, aspiring singers, actresses, or models in Buffalo. When people think talent the city of Buffalo isn’t usually what first comes to mind. However, Buffalo has a lot of talent that should be seen therefore there is a need for my services.  The company would be called Star PR. When someone is famous they are often called a star. I have also been fascinated by stars since I was little so the name is something that is a representation of me as well. The brightest stars in the sky are the ones that are seen. The slogan for my company would be “Star PR, shine the brightest.”
    Design wise, the logo would of course include a star. The company name would be written out but the “t” in star would be a four point star similar of how the northern star is often depicted. Having the company name in the logo design would make the most sense for my needs. A star is a simple design and is used in many company logos. As a new company the public needs time to form an association with the logo and company name. Over time it might be necessary to edit the logo and not have the company name in it.

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